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Join date: Dec 6, 2021


Preksha Jain is commonly found overanalysing things and events such that she can translate into words as soon as she comes in contact with writing materials. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Literature and Theatre.

She is a passionate reader who does suffer through painful reading blocks once in a while but gets over them and savours those mastered moments. Preksha has a keen interest in writing poems and short pieces and has written several poems, single quotes and perspective pieces. She is currently handling a blog called randomhousepublication along with her associate.

She is incapable of criticizing a piece of art and does not believe in the idea of judgement of art. She believes if looked at in the right way, every poem, act, painting or dance can serve the receiver with a deep meaning and a story of its own. She is left to explore a lot in the world but from what little she does know, she understands art is about perspective. If you find yourself in a place where you begin negatively critiquing a piece of art, move ahead, it was not meant for you, that piece will find its own kind of audience and appreciator.

Preksha has an interest and aptitude in editing videos and has a substantial following on Instagram pages she handles called @truelymine and @randomhousepublication. She has pursued her childhood passion for dance and theatre in her school and college life through choreography, acting and direction.

Preksha wishes to walk in the future with the blanket of words as her constant comfort.

Preksha Jain

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